Every year millions of smokers give up cigarettes. With the right attitude, preparation, and knowledge, you can stop smoking too! The purpose of this web site is to help you decide to give up smoking. Ocean Pines Hypnosis can educate your conscious and unconscious minds to agree on smoking cessation. We care about every breath you take.
Tired of feeling like an outcast?
Tired of hiding and having to sneak outside for a cigarette?
Tired of having loved ones ask, "Why are you trying to kill yourself?"
Tired of the annoying early morning hacking cough?
Tired of worrying about developing smoking related cancer, heard disease, lung disease or stroke?
Maybe you feel "smoking is strictly my business and nobody is going to tell me how to live my life."
Do you want your children to smoke? Children of parents that smoke are more likely to start smoking themselves.
What are your reasons for ceasing to smoke?
Think about your reasons for wanting to quit and the positive effects it will have on your life. Write these reasons down.
I want to quit smoking because … ______________________

Stop smoking today!

Call Ocean pines hypnosis at (856)650-7335
for an appointment for a cease smoking session.

Hours are 10:00AM to 7:00 PM Tuesday through Saturday
701 South Route 73 Suite D
Berlin, New Jersey 08009

Because you have taken time to read this section carefully, you will find it easier and easier to understand you need to cease smoking. As soon as you consider what you have learned, all will become very clear for you, which will cause you to feel a tremendous sense of satisfaction NOW!
Reading this means that you are absorbing all kinds of things unconsciously. Any unconscious activity you have means you are more fully convinced to cease smoking. Now as you're relaxing now, that means that you are more convinced to cease smoking.
I know that you're wondering how to make sense of this all. You will be feeling a sense of curiosity and that curiosity is making you wonder about all kinds of things...
And it's a good thing to wonder about things. Wonder leads to learning and it is important that you learn things now...
And you must not relax too much, although you can relax as much as you need to learn what you have to learn and
Because you have all the knowledge you need. Everywhere you turn there are new things to be discovered, you can never not learn or discover something. You must always remember that you have everything you need to achieve all the things you want to...
And your learning will grow into new height and grow to a new depths as your curiosity propels you into the future where all the happiness and satisfaction that your achievements can bring you to, increase your education, and leverage off the understanding you have acquired over time so that they reorganize into the perfect structure to attract wealth, happiness, health and love into your life...
You can do this, by simply allowing the sensations to intensify, you learn, grow and transform...
One can learn to transform and grow in this way...
You simply learn more and become better at using your internal processes to give you the quality of experiences you really want more of. Because it is good to strive to have more good things in life, better relationships, happier times, greater resources which all comes to you when you cease smoking.
And you know what it is like to have such good things, don't you? You've learned many things in the past, haven't you? This means you are learning to cease smoking.
you can continue to learn the kind of things you need to learn in order to achieve the things you to achieve, don't you? All is possible when you are free of smoking.
And as you sit there, reading these words and allowing the sounds of your environment to continue without disturbing you, you can enter a deep state of reflection. This reflection can intensify as you breath in and when you breathe out you can notice your breathing as you continue to ease deeper and deeper into a very pleasant state of comfort that you cannot achieve while smoking.
And could you feel more relaxed and absorbed in these ideas I am presenting you? Would it be possible for you for you to enjoy a deepening sense of comfort and tranquility? Would that mean you are learning things at a deeper unconscious level?
So, do you want to cease smoking now and learn, or would you prefer to learn about becoming smoke free right now?

As the Surgeon General says:

"Cigarette smoke contains Carbon Monoxide" - a poison
"Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema, and complicates pregnancy."
"Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth and low birth weight."
"Quitting smoking now greatly reduces Serious risks to hour health."
In England they simply say:
"Smoking Kills!"

Good reasons to quit:

Call Ocean pines hypnosis at (856)650-7335
for an appointment for a cease smoking session.

10:00AM to 7:00 PM Tuesday through Saturday.
701 South Route 73 Suite D
Berlin, New Jersey 08009

Recipe for cigarette smoke:

Cigarette smoke contains tar, which has been found to consist of almost 4,000 chemicals. Forty-three of the chemicals are know to cause cancer. These dangerous chemicals can also lead to heart disease, respiratory disease, and stroke.
Nicotine has been found to be addictive. This cause people to smoke more and increases the harmful consequences.
Is it hard to believe that chemicals inhaled from cigarette smoke are the same chemicals found in poisons, embalming fluid, household cleaners, nail polish remover, car exhaust and insecticides?

Cigarette Smoking Consequences:

Smoking has many consequences to the human body that can lead to shortened life expectancy. When life is short, you really care. These consequences can occur to the smoker as well as people exposed to the secondhand smoke.
Some initial consequences of smoking are bad breath, stained teeth and fingernails, headache, and odor on clothes and hair. Smokers also develop; coughing, decreased athletic ability, a weakened immune system and shortness of breath. Over time smoking can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and facial wrinkling. It is also a leading cause of impotence and sexual dysfunction.
Smoking cigarettes can lead to an increase in lung infections and lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis causes shortness of breath and frequent coughing due to an increase in mucous. Emphysema causes damage to the lungs making it harder to deliver oxygen to the blood stream. These diseases lead to difficulty in breathing which makes even normal daily activities hard to do.
Smoking cigarettes causes an increase in carbon monoxide in the blood stream. Carbon monoxide poisoning reduces the amount of oxygen the blood can carry. This causes shortness of breath and tiredness.
Since smoking decreases the oxygen in the blood stream, the heart has to work harder to pump enough oxygen to your body. Smokers are at risk for thickened blood, clot formation, buildup of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the arteries and narrow blood vessels. These consequences increase a smoker's risk of hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure, which results in heart attack or stroke. Smoking doubles a person's chance of a heart attack and is a leading cause of stroke.
When a pregnant woman smokes, she put her unborn baby at an unnecessary risk. She passes the dangerous chemicals in the smoke through her blood stream directly to her baby. These chemicals can prevent the baby from receiving nutrients and oxygen required for proper development. The results are birth defects, low birth weight, preterm delivery, and even death. Smoking triples a baby's risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The nicotine, carbon monoxide and other toxic chemicals pass into the baby. A smoking woman smokes for her baby and herself.
Another devastating consequence of smoking cigarettes is cancer. The chemicals in smoke are known to cause many different types of cancer. Some of the known types include mouth, throat, larynx and esophageal cancer. Cigarette smoke is linked to cancer of the kidneys, pancreas, bladder and cervix.
Smoking causes the majority of all lung cancers.
Nicotine is a drug that works on the brain and nervous system. It can cause a physical addiction and psychological dependence.
Nicotine is a highly poisonous chemical that is carried through the blood stream to all parts of the body. Some of Nicotine's effects on the body include increased heart rate, respiratory rate, and use of oxygen. Nicotine narrows blood vessels causing a person's blood pressure to rise. It also causes the blood to clot more. These changes effect the body's circulatory system causing diseases of the blood vessels and heart.
Nicotine causes a person to feel and instant "high". Since nicotine is an addictive drug, smokers begin to crave it. They need it to feel satisfied.
Quitting cold turkey does not require medical attention unlike alcohol and opiates.
Call Ocean pines hypnosis at (856)650-7335
for an appointment for a cease smoking session.

10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Tuesday through Saturday.
701 South Route 73 Suite D
Berlin, New Jersey 08009

Good reasons to quit:

Give yourself and your family the gift of a healthier and longer life.
Give yourself years to enjoy the fruits of your labor-retirement, hobbies, travel etc.
Relieve your family and others from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
The benefits of ceasing to smoke begin immediately. Your body feels the difference as early as 20 minutes after the last cigarette. The changes will continue for years.
Your heart and lungs work better.
The rate of cancer, stroke and heart disease are reduced.
You breathe easier, rest better, and the cough should disappear.
Food will taste better and sense of smell will improve.
Your breath will smell better, as will your clothes, home and car.
Your lungs will work better and as their function improves they will be better able to filter out harmful toxins.
Your heart function and general circulation will benefit, reducing the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
You will have more energy for the people and activities you enjoy.

The actual annual cost of smoking up to $6,572. What could you use that money for?
Call Ocean pines hypnosis at (856)650-7335
for an appointment for a cease smoking session.

10:00AM to 7:00 PM Tuesday through Saturday.
701 South Route 73 Suite D
Berlin, New Jersey 08009

Relax, meditate on, enjoy and really consider unconsciously that you are now a non-smoker.